Senin, 04 Juli 2011
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" Belum dipastikan Tayang di Indonesia
Jakarta - Pemutaran film terakhir 'Harry Potter', 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows II' di seluruh dunia tinggal menghitung hari. Lalu, apakah film itu akan diputar di Tanah Air?
"Masih belum pasti, karena belum ada perkembangan," ujar Ketua Umum Gabungan Pengusaha Bioskop Seluruh Indonesia (GPBSI) Johny Syafrudin, saat dihubungi detikhot lewat telepon, Senin (4/7/2011).
"Masih belum pasti, karena belum ada perkembangan," ujar Ketua Umum Gabungan Pengusaha Bioskop Seluruh Indonesia (GPBSI) Johny Syafrudin, saat dihubungi detikhot lewat telepon, Senin (4/7/2011).
Minggu, 03 Juli 2011
JK Rowling mengumumkan project barunya "PotterMore"

#PotterMore (versi bahasa Inngris) J.K. Rowling: Thirteen years ago after the first Harry Potter book was published, I'm still astonished and delighted by the responses the stories emit. Even though the seventh book and the eighth film have now been completed, I'm still receiving hundreds of letters every week, and Harry's fans remain as enthusiastic and as inventive as ever.
So, I'd like to take this opportunity to say thank you, because no author could have asked for a more wonderful, diverse, and loyal readership. I'm thrilled to say that I am now in a position to give you something unique: an online reading experience unlike any other. It's called 'Pottermore'.
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